Posts Tagged With: kept

Yeah, I Kept It

What you’ve kept…

I keep things sometimes that I should throw away, but I am pretty sure everyone does that. But there is a line between keeping stuff and hoarding stuff, and I have seen first hand what hoarding looks like, and it is bad. Piles and piles if stuff, just stuff. Things of no use that are outdated and useless. Not all things that are outdated are useless though.
One thing that I kept, which I recently discovered while moving, was a large stash of old notes and letter that had been passes back and forth in school and in mailboxes. I had completely forgotten that I had this and honesty thought that they had been thrown away a long time ago.
Yes I did open a few of them just to see what young high school me was like. It was like looking back through a time machine. I could actually picture myself writing and passing these in class. Leaving them under desks and books for someone to pick up and write back. This was right before every kid out there had a cell phone, and the ones available were too big to hide anyways haha.
Why did I keep them? Who knows. For fun or for some other reason? We might never know, but I can say that 9 years later I still have notes from freshman year of high school, and some things never change.

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